
Buying a home? Start your search now!  SEARCH THE MLS for homes currently listed. Simply contact me with the properties that are of interest or email me your search criteria and I will search the MLS and send listings directly to you. 


Wanting to sell? Call or email to find out how I can customize a full service listing that can save you thousands and sell your property as soon as possible. Furthermore, I never charge additional transaction fees!


Looking to lease? I manage many duplexes & homes located in the East Dallas/Lakewood area. I offer 1, 2 & 3 bedroom properties starting from just $895/month.

NEW home?

Looking for new construction? I work very closely with top notch builders who offer only the best features and cutting edge materials. Whether you are looking for completed new construction or want to build a custom home, I can help you every step along the way to your dreamhome.


Need help with Investment property? Let me manage your income producing property. Forget about late night phone calls from tenants who have locked themselves out.  Just sit back and collect your check every month.  Also, you can contact me about just helping you get your property leased.

Mike is an absolute pleasure to work with and his knowledge, passion, and communication skills give us great security.
— Edward & Jennifer C.